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I think that dogs have most of the same rights than us, so is not acceptable that people mistreat, and abuse animals, when they have the biggest heart that you can find in someone or something. I have 3 dogs, and those dogs are the ones that always make me have a smile from cheek to cheek. Something that I have known and that I have seen is that "You can give food to a dog three days, and he would remember you 3 years, while you can give food 3 years to a baby, and he would remember you 3 days".

People cannot hit, or burn, or just mistreat a dog. Just think, "Would you mistreat a person, as if you would mistreating a human?" Is a really hard thing to reflect, but is true. Please tell people yo stop dog abuse!

Click here to read the story book I made regarding dog abuse called "Lola and her Dreams"or here to view the website I made. Below you will find a video I made for my presentation.

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