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Even though I am interested in many issues, the issue I think I can help to change in my society is “inequality on education”. As a student in Panama, I have noticed that the different social levels are very notorious in the daily lives of people, including education. I have noticed that there are 3 kinds of schools; the poor schools, the medium schools and the high class schools.

In every school students get education and the basic things that a school needs to provide, but the quality of the education is different in each school. In the “poor schools” students get the basic education that is needed, but they don’t have the privileges other schools have such as good installations and air conditioner, while in the “high class schools” students get the basic education that is needed and more, they get to learn more things like languages and arts, they have better installations and they get to participate in extracurricular activities of the school such as soccer, music and more things. I want to make that change.

Click here to read an article about this issue.

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