Adult Illiteracy

I wanted to do this topic because I know that it is a problem here in Panama and in many other places around the world. I heard about a company from were I am from (Venezuela) that helped people that needed this, and I thought about how useful that would be here in Panama. After I did some background research, thinking, and analyzing, I realized how big of a problem this is. I found out that illiterate adults are not capable of doing many things, that are in literate's adults normal day. This is also a huge issue that connects to poverty, and just by solving illiteracy, many other problems can be improved if not solved.
For my action I plan to work with MIDES and help improve their plans and ideas on how to help illiterate adults. I want to choose the way I will help them after my interview with them. My ideas are to create an app, instructional books, CD's, or just continue with any idea this organization might have. By helping this company I expect to help the way illiterate adults are reached and helped be more efficient.