Littering in Panama

I believe this is a problem in Panama since we are a high population and a small country and that makes more waste. I see this problems allot in the streets and in the environments or even in communities, We are not conscious in where the trash may end up or what are the dangers of throwing trash in the environment.
I have three actions I want to complete, my first one it's to put recycling bins in my community and all what the community recycles, one time each a month i will bring the recycling things to Fas Panama. My second action it's to Go to Malambo and teach the Malambo kids around the ages of 4-6 what is recycling and how they can apply in Malambo, for them to understand. I will also go teach them with activities and games regarding the topic. My third action it's to go around clayton and with special sticks to grab the trash, I will pick the trash and put it in a bag, and the things can recycle I will bring it to FAS Panama so it doesn't become waste .